Google Plus fortunately lets you make a backup copy of almost all information that you share online with friends. Whether it may be your pho...
Google Plus fortunately lets you make a backup copy of almost all information that you share online with friends. Whether it may be your photo albums, links or posts shared as stream data, profile data, buzz data or people in your contacts and circles, you can backup and download all these files in your computer hard drive. This will help you keep your files save and keep your memories alive if you ever wanted to leave this great social networking site or if in case your account password goes in the hands of wrong people. All data is downloaded in .zip format which can be compressed using winrar software except profile data which is stored with .json extension.
Make a Backup of All data on Google+
To download and backup all your data follow these steps:
Sign in Google Plus
Near the top right corner select Google+ settings
3. Next choose "Data Liberation"
Now you can simply click the white Download your data button or you can click the individual options below. The best is to download images, circles and contacts individually. Your shared videos will be in stream data so remember to download it too.
For downloading videos on Google+ remember that all videos will be uploaded on YouTube and then shared on your Google+ account. So you will need YouTube downloader to download videos shared on Google Plus.