Google is taking things really seriously this year. On June 27th, Google first updated the PageRank and then the PageRank given to all webs...
Google is taking things really seriously this year. On June 27th, Google first updated the PageRank and then the PageRank given to all websites was revised and rechecked. During this immediate revision MBT’s PR dropped from 4 to 3 and it was indeed a bad news for me and just today while looking at my site stats I observed that Alhamdulillah this little blog was gifted back the PageRank 4. This means that PR was updated twice within one month. Many SEO experts are confused themselves with these sudden PR changes and I personally don’t know as if this is happening for the first time or it happens often. Never heard of such PR revisions before. Google Updates PR four times every year which means once after every three months.
This new update indicated that PR scheduling is undergoing serious changes and it is a clear indication for web masters to be careful with the number of their inbound and outbound links. I will be writing a detailed post today on how to balance the number of external and internal links and also when and how should you link external sites.
Why did I lost my PR?
Since we all learn from our mistakes therefore my previous PR loss taught me a lot of lessons. I was often changing my meta tags especially the Main Blog Title and meta description. Further I was linking external websites such as social networks blindly without tagging them as nofollow out of laziness. All these factors brought me to a drop in PR.
I then re-edited my meta tags and re-tagged my external links by making good use of nofollow tags. I edited around 300 links just yesterday and many before that. I don’t know which part play well for me but I will share those steps in detail on my next post with all of you.
As far as I know sites that have been given a PR increase are often looked upon more carefully by Google as compared to sites with low PR. As soon as you cross the PR 3 limit, Google indexing of your site and analysis of your site is given more importance. Since relevant search results is what Google aims at therefore PR is distributed very carefully to blogs to ensure that quality and fresh content is promoted more and more.
I just hope you may have received an equal pleasant surprise as I did today. Do let me know about any such experiences you may have experienced today and do share your valuable views with us.