--> Multi-Color Link Hover Effect | Experience Lab - Online business creation and development guide for bloggers and startups

Multi-Color Link Hover Effect

You must have observed how my hyperlinks change color on mouse hover. Normally on mouse hover only a single color change is seen but thanks...

Multi-Color-Link-Effect You must have observed how my hyperlinks change color on mouse hover. Normally on mouse hover only a single color change is seen but thanks to Dynamic Drive we can now easily change the color of our links to several colors. I have modified the code a bit for simplicity. This tutorial is really simple to follow and uses a JavaScript which we will save inside Blogger so there will be no external linking at all. Let’s start now,


To add this Flashing Link effect to your blogs do the following,

  1. Go To Layout > Edit HTML
  2. Search For </head>
  3. And just above </head> paste the code below,

<script type='text/javascript'>


var rate = 20;

if (document.getElementById)
window.onerror=new Function("return true")

var objActive;  // The object which event occured in
var act = 0;    // Flag during the action
var elmH = 0;   // Hue
var elmS = 128; // Saturation
var elmV = 255; // Value
var clrOrg;     // A color before the change
var TimerID;    // Timer ID

if (document.all) {
    document.onmouseover = doRainbowAnchor;
    document.onmouseout = stopRainbowAnchor;
else if (document.getElementById) {
    document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEOVER | Event.MOUSEOUT);
    document.onmouseover = Mozilla_doRainbowAnchor;
    document.onmouseout = Mozilla_stopRainbowAnchor;

function doRainbow(obj)
    if (act == 0) {
        act = 1;
        if (obj)
            objActive = obj;
            objActive = event.srcElement;
        clrOrg = objActive.style.color;
        TimerID = setInterval("ChangeColor()",100);

function stopRainbow()
    if (act) {
        objActive.style.color = clrOrg;
        act = 0;

function doRainbowAnchor()
    if (act == 0) {
        var obj = event.srcElement;
        while (obj.tagName != 'A' && obj.tagName != 'BODY') {
            obj = obj.parentElement;
            if (obj.tagName == 'A' || obj.tagName == 'BODY')

        if (obj.tagName == 'A' && obj.href != '') {
            objActive = obj;
            act = 1;
            clrOrg = objActive.style.color;
            TimerID = setInterval("ChangeColor()",100);

function stopRainbowAnchor()
    if (act) {
        if (objActive.tagName == 'A') {
            objActive.style.color = clrOrg;
            act = 0;

function Mozilla_doRainbowAnchor(e)
    if (act == 0) {
        obj = e.target;
        while (obj.nodeName != 'A' && obj.nodeName != 'BODY') {
            obj = obj.parentNode;
            if (obj.nodeName == 'A' || obj.nodeName == 'BODY')

        if (obj.nodeName == 'A' && obj.href != '') {
            objActive = obj;
            act = 1;
            clrOrg = obj.style.color;
            TimerID = setInterval("ChangeColor()",100);

function Mozilla_stopRainbowAnchor(e)
    if (act) {
        if (objActive.nodeName == 'A') {
            objActive.style.color = clrOrg;
            act = 0;

function ChangeColor()
    objActive.style.color = makeColor();

function makeColor()
    // Don't you think Color Gamut to look like Rainbow?

    // HSVtoRGB
    if (elmS == 0) {
        elmR = elmV;    elmG = elmV;    elmB = elmV;
    else {
        t1 = elmV;
        t2 = (255 - elmS) * elmV / 255;
        t3 = elmH % 60;
        t3 = (t1 - t2) * t3 / 60;

        if (elmH < 60) {
            elmR = t1;  elmB = t2;  elmG = t2 + t3;
        else if (elmH < 120) {
            elmG = t1;  elmB = t2;  elmR = t1 - t3;
        else if (elmH < 180) {
            elmG = t1;  elmR = t2;  elmB = t2 + t3;
        else if (elmH < 240) {
            elmB = t1;  elmR = t2;  elmG = t1 - t3;
        else if (elmH < 300) {
            elmB = t1;  elmG = t2;  elmR = t2 + t3;
        else if (elmH < 360) {
            elmR = t1;  elmG = t2;  elmB = t1 - t3;
        else {
            elmR = 0;   elmG = 0;   elmB = 0;

    elmR = Math.floor(elmR).toString(16);
    elmG = Math.floor(elmG).toString(16);
    elmB = Math.floor(elmB).toString(16);
    if (elmR.length == 1)    elmR = "0" + elmR;
    if (elmG.length == 1)    elmG = "0" + elmG;
    if (elmB.length == 1)    elmB = "0" + elmB;

    elmH = elmH + rate;
    if (elmH >= 360)
        elmH = 0;

    return '#' + elmR + elmG + elmB;



You can change the value of var rate = 20. This controls the speed with which links change color.

That’s All!

Preview Your Templates To see The New Change.



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Experience Lab - Online business creation and development guide for bloggers and startups: Multi-Color Link Hover Effect
Multi-Color Link Hover Effect
Experience Lab - Online business creation and development guide for bloggers and startups
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