--> How To Write Search Engine Friendly Blog Post Titles? | Experience Lab - Online business creation and development guide for bloggers and startups

How To Write Search Engine Friendly Blog Post Titles?

Nearly 80% percent of the traffic that you receive from Search engines depends on your Post title. Titles are termed as second to Content. ...

seo Nearly 80% percent of the traffic that you receive from Search engines depends on your Post title. Titles are termed as second to Content. Content is surely the King in SEO terminology but Titles follow just after in priority. If blog authors dedicate a minimum of their attention towards how they write their blog post titles then I believe there is nothing else left to optimize. Search engines need a reason to rank you higher in a particular topic and you must know how to provide them with a good reason. Learning SEO is the simplest yet the most important thing when it comes to earning Online and we all should know how to make proper use of this art. So lets look at some useful tips that have always helped me and thousands others.

What is an Optimized title?

An optimized title is one that succeeds in drawing maximum attention of search engine robots towards itself. The simplest way to understand how to develop good SEO skills is to treat search engines like humans and take their likes and dislikes as those of humans. Using this approach here are some of the things that you must know while writing a title. And again its not a philosophy subject with thousands of confusing things to remember. I am just sharing few tips that work and make sense. The three tips below are more than enough to understand what exactly is a search engine friendly title.

1- Use Google Keyword Tool

Always research the words that you use. Using smart words bring smart results. For example if you wish to write a country’s  name in your title like America, then check how majority of people write it. Do they write it as America, US, or  United States 

To know which word is used widely globally then you must research it using Google Keyword tool. Simply Write one word per line and hit the Search button to see the results as shown below,

Note:- Always select All countries in Advanced Options and English as the Language


You can clearly see that the word US is the highly search word with 83,100,000 Monthly Global searches followed by the word America with 45,500,000 searches. So if you use the Word US instead of United States or America then obviously the traffic flow to your website will be greater. Always use this tool for keyword analysis. It takes minutes to know what keyword you should use.

2- Keep the Title length to 66 characters

Web masters and even most search engine optimizers use repeated  keywords/phrases that are relevant to their site. Though this seems like a great idea, you're actually destroying your chances of being ranked higher on a particular category on search engine results. Search engines gives importance to keyword density i.e Keywords per line. So if you use too many keywords in your title then you are simply making your title more confusing to search engines and they will take it as a spam. Google displays about first 66 characters of your title and yahoo displays 120. The rest of the title is chopped off. See some of my mistakes of the past,


See how the titles are chopped off just after about 66 characters? This is what you need to avoid. Now see these titles,


See the difference? In fact the above two posts bring us around 100-200 visitors per day which counts a lot.

And this is how the current post appears in Google while appearing on the top first link. Even if you search for “How to write search engine friendly titles” this post appears on first page and that’s how optimize title gifts you in the end! :)


To make sure you may not exceed the maximum number of characters in your title, our Character Counter tool will always be at your service.

3- Make your title Attractive

Why should your article be ranked higher by search engines? You must prove it to search engine robots that your title is the best in every aspect. Keep robots and your readers always in mind. Robots love keywords and short titles and readers love what attracts them the most!

See the following title as an example,

Learn best tips on how to write search engine friendly titles for your websites

The words in the above title contain many useless phrases and count a total of 80 characters including spaces. Now see this title,

How To Write Search Engine Friendly Blog Post Titles?

The above title is attracting, contains three keywords i.e Search Engine Friendly , Blog and Post titles with an attracting How-to start and question mark (?) at the end of the title and all this count a total of 53 characters. That's how you hit three birds with one stone!


  • The word websites in the first title is useless for me because this post is for bloggers only and they will often write blogs while searching a query instead of websites.

  • The words Learn, best tips are less effective and not well organized compared to the keywords used in the second title.

  • The first title uses no question marks or good starting keyword while the second does. Exclamation marks (!) and question Marks (?) will always entice the searcher to click, and visit your website over your competitors.

I don’t need to add anything more here because you all are genius enough to apply the common sense and make things more smarter, stunning and intriguing.


This is what you always need to do while writing highly optimized and attractive Post titles,

  1. Always analyze your keywords using Google Keyword tool.

  2. Spell your words correctly and keep School Grammar in mind

  3. Write Short titles with one or two keywords

  4. Always Keep title length less than 66 characters

  5. Make your title attractive to both robots and readers by adding attention-drawing phrases and symbols. Use  words like How to, Best tips, Top 10, free, easy etc

  6. Always try to end your title with a question mark or an exclamation mark when necessary.


That’s All!

On my next tutorials I will share some important tips on how to optimize the opening paragraph of your articles/posts and will share some secrets of mine. I have also not discussed some more basic things related to title URLs in today’s post because I don’t wanted to make things difficult and we will surely discuss it on coming posts. Till then I hope you will find it really useful and I just hope you learnt something new today. Peace and blessings! :d

Do also read the following post,



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Experience Lab - Online business creation and development guide for bloggers and startups: How To Write Search Engine Friendly Blog Post Titles?
How To Write Search Engine Friendly Blog Post Titles?
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