Google Plus is heard everywhere now. This great social networking site is expected to soon take over major social networks like Facebook. De...
Google Plus is heard everywhere now. This great social networking site is expected to soon take over major social networks like Facebook. Developers everywhere are engaged in bringing more interesting codes to customize the look and feel of Google+ . I cam across an interesting Mozilla Firefox Add-on and Chrome extension created by Stylish. The code splits your Google+ homepage into two columns neatly. You will see your friends status updates in two wide columns thus making the experience more interesting. This add on can easily be installed. Just follow the easy steps below.
Split Google Plus Stream Page Into Two columns
- If you want a Firefox Add-on then Click Here else if your prefer a Chrome Extension the click here
- Install the add-on or extension and restart your browsers
- Now visit and apply the stylish style Liquid G+
- After it is installed visit your Google+ Homepage and you will find two columns on your homepage. As shown below,
This customization will be visible only to you and your friends can not see it but it will put a good impression on them when they connect to Plus through your personal computer. :> There is another add-on available too that will change the entire color scheme of your Google Plus account. I will share it in my coming posts.