The title says it all. Google has banned and penalized all the sites which used a sub-domain. is a free domain name registrar wh...
Due to increase amount of web spam and poor quality sites and especially with all of the recent criticism towards its search engine Google was forced to take a serious action to fight against web spam and help protect its users with good quality links. Check the screen shot below for the proof.
or this: You can see that not even their homepage is being indexed.
Matt Cutts, the Head of Google's Web Spam team, wrote on Google +
"First, a definition: a "freehost" is a domain that will let anyone register a site on that domain. There's lots and lots of high-quality freehosts out there ( comes to mind)."
"We absolutely do try to be granular, but I wanted to mention that if we see a very large fraction of sites on a specific freehost be spammy or low-quality, we do reserve the right to take action on the freehost as a whole. I think most savvy search/SEO folks would understand this completely, but I figure it's better to over-communicate than under-communicate."
Matt Cutts also said,
"This is not a new webspam policy. Other parts of Google do similar things. For example, talks about "bulk sub-domain providers" (treat it as the same thing as a freehost) and they mention "To help protect users we recently modified those [malware scanning] systems to identify bulk sub-domain services which are being abused. In some severe cases our systems may now flag the whole bulk domain."
JohnMu, Webmaster Trends Analyst, gave some advice on Webmaster Central for legit webmasters owning a sub-domain.
"If you feel that your particular site is in line with our Webmaster Guidelines, I would recommend submitting a reconsideration request. Additionally, if you use a subdomain on a widely used domain name, and feel that your subdomain provider is not up to par with regards to preventing and handling abuse quickly - be it webspam, phishing, or malware - you may wish to look into ways of remedying that."
What should you do know if you are a user?
The best is to sign up for a .com domain from a trusted domain hosting company like Hostgator. It will cost you less than $15/year but quality and reputation is guaranteed by them. Do give few bucks more but always go for quality. If you are really serious about blogging then choosing a .com domain is highly suggested.
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