Facebook Custom IFrame Tabs has always been the center of attraction for commercial companies and websites to stand out amongst default Fac...
I will be here to help you out with everything. I just hope these new Facebook related designing stuff may prove helpful for all of you. See the demo first:
Live Demo
To use this template first you need to create a custom Facebook tab by reading the post below:
Download Facebook Custom Tabs Template
We share resources with subscribers only. From Icons, buttons, widgets to templates, all resources are served to regular readers only. If you wish to download this template and all upcoming ones or any other resource available for free on our blog then kindly submit your EMAIL ID below,
Activate your Feeds and post the same ID in the comments box below so that we could send you the download copy.
- Unzip the winrar file we just emailed you.
- Inside the download folder open the "Facebook Template" notepad file
- Copy all the code inside it and then log into your Facebook account
- Click on your newly created custom Tab and you will find a HTML Editor just like the one below,
5. Switch to the Source mode as indicated by the blue arrow in the image above. Paste the Code you copied from the notepad inside it.
6. Now switch to Editor and make the necessary editing easiliy like you normally do in any html editor.
7. After you are done with editing, hit the save settings button and then click your Tab to see it in action!
Final View:
All rights are strictly reserved by MBT Blog. You can not redistribute the templates without our permission. If you wish to share the tutorial or code with your readers then you may first contact us.
Premier Services
We also design templates and Icons at premier level. If you want a completely unique and new design for your business website then you may contact us for details.