Facebook Gaming app Mini maps uses a Google Maps format to let you drive a car anywhere in the world. You can have fun racing a car on any ...
Facebook Gaming app Mini maps uses a Google Maps format to let you drive a car anywhere in the world. You can have fun racing a car on any road or motorway in the world. The app uses flash technology to create a virtual car on Google Maps to improve your navigation skills for a selected area. Using simple arrow keys you can push on the accelerator to get your car going. The game lets you choose your destination point and also supports night vision mode if the area you selected is too dark. The game graphics are plausible if the location you selected is a developed country like USA or UK but if you choose a developing country like Somalia then satellite imagery for it is really poor. The zoom range would be minimum and roads will look fade.
To play this game on Facebook simply click the link below and allow the app to access your account. Once given the permission then you can choose a country and specific place and start choosing a car and track to get going! See the video below to get an idea,