In ancient times it was said that the bigger your territory the harder it is to control and manage it. It is easy to start a new business bu...
In ancient times it was said that the bigger your territory the harder it is to control and manage it. It is easy to start a new business but very difficult to maintain it. Google+ came like a big news in social media world and has quickly started gaining exposure due to its excellent privacy features like Circles and best social interaction features like Chat, Audio Chat and Google+ Video Calling. some people said that if Facebook trys it can introduce the same features in Facebook and will completely win over this new bird but with an embarrassing failure of introducing a video calling option, Facebook is now in great critics pressure from all corners.
Why Facebook Video Calling Stopped Working?
Facebook in corporation with the Skype network launched the Video calling option on its mega site but the Traffic burden on this video calling chatting option was so much that even the giant servers of Facebook stopped responding. Just a week after the launch of Google+, Facebook announced the integration of Video calling option on their site and created a funny demonstrative video too but they never knew that it is not that easy to be masters of all trade. Just after 4-5 days the video call service completely stopped responding and this is what that appears on their site for weeks now:
Video calling will be available soon.
Please check back later.
Users complained of many bugs and errors and buffering problems. Currently 750 Million users are registered at Facebook and the burden on servers was so much that Facebook has to step back. I am not sure when will they be able to avail it again. Lets see when can they let Facebook users to talk face to face again or will FB users slowly start migrating to Google+. Whatever the problems may be, once again Google proved that we are the best developers! :)