As you grow more mature, your tastes and hobbies change. When we were young we often used to watch cartoons a lot but today as time has ch...
As you grow more mature, your tastes and hobbies change. When we were young we often used to watch cartoons a lot but today as time has changed we hardly watch them anymore. Believe it or not I often accompany my niece in watching cartoon programs especially the ones on POGO TV. My Paendu friends often laugh at me for this but that is just ok. I often get inspirational ideas from short animation films. It may sound funny but just yesterday I learnt a brilliant lesson from a story based on rich landlord and a poor farmer. Which I would like to share with all of you. I just hope my narration puts the same impact on your minds as that of the animation I saw yesterday.
99 Coins Story - The Landlord & Farmer
The story went like this. There lived a rich landlord with all luxuries of life. He had a huge livestock and owned 1/3rd Land of entire village. He had no wife and had several servants for his service. Just next to his palace, lived a poor farmer. The farmer lived in a small house with his wife and a son. His entire family depended on his daily wages. He hardly earned 10 cents daily but the entire family was happy on whatever they could earn to survive. He lived really happily and enjoyed laughing and playing with his 8 years old son.
The landlord asked himself that why can't he feel the same happiness as that of the farmer. Why can't he sleep peacefully and comfortably the way that farmer does. Why can't he likewise laugh and feel joy and fun. He couldn't even remember the last time he laughed. The only thing that accompanied him was growing numbers of wealth and property.
One day he was approached by his manager who had a solution for all his psychological problems. The manager told him to place 99 coins inside a pouch and when it gets dark he may quietly place the pouch in front of farmer's door. Landlord insisted to know why the manager was asking him to do so. To which the manager replied that the answer to all his worries could be find by carefully observing the farmer's behavior for three days.
Early in the morning the farmer was surprised to see a pouch full of golden coins placed in front of his door. He got very much excited and started counting the coins. On his first count he found that they were a total of 99 coins so he counted again to see if a coin was missing. He kept on counting the coins because he had an illusion that may be one coin is missing. He started searching for the coin here and there like a mad man. He could not find any. He didn't tell his family about this discovery and hide the coins under the soil. He started dreaming about that one extra coin needed to make it a total of 100 Coins. He could not sleep as he normally did because there was a growing thirst within him for that one extra coin. He started working double his normal working hours so that he could earn more wage. He requested the manager to let me him work more and more. To which the manager agreed. He now started earning twice more than what he was earning before. On the second day his son requested him saying "Dad I wish to buy that red Baloon" He replied with anger and said: "Keep quite, you are too big for that. Grow up! I don't have money to spend on that useless thing" His son then requested the farmer to play with him but he again replied with anger and said he is busy in work. His tone started changing, he was no more the same kind and loving dad and neither a kind husband fulfilling all wishes of his wife gently. He grew more harsh and the lust for that coin even snatch away his sleep. He could not sleep anymore and always seemed in worry. He started saving his wages rather spending them on his family. He would count the coins daily and would think about it all day and night.
"Eureka!" Said the landlord I finally found out the answer!
At the end of the cartoon show, that landlord gave half of his wealth in charity to the poor and needy. The sigh and relief in his face is unexplainable. He finally discovered how happiness can be bought.
Moral of the story
The moral of the story was that happiness is snatched away when your lust to earn more and more increases. Lust for money never ends. The brain always sets targets to achieve and in this struggle you lose peace of mind, you get so much indulged in it that you slowly and gradually lose to value love and happiness around you. Happiness can never be achieved with money. If you are earning only in order to grow rich and not for the sake of people around you then you are actually moving towards a mental disaster. What's the use of that money and luxury when you can't even sleep peacefully?
Brothers and sisters, we all are busy in our struggle for survival. As bloggers, web masters and freelancers we often look at ways to maximize our profit and that's indeed a good thing but is your income just for the sake of display or for the welfare of the poor and needy around you? A question that we must ask ourselves. People are dying of hunger and starvation. They can't even read and understand what you can, they can't multiply their income as you can and neither do they know about the existence of the technology that you use. They deserve your share of income, they deserver to be looked after, to be educated just like your children and to be given the right to live and breath. Don't earn just to feed yourselves, earn for a better breathing generation, earn for the happiness of those who are deprived of basic necessities of life and earn for those who look alike irrespective of caste, colour, creed and blood. Only then you deserve the right to call yourself "Successful"
Peace and blessings pals. :)