Every website has some sort of a text input field, which the visitors can use either to interact with the author or other visitors, or to pe...

Every website has some sort of a text input field, which the visitors can use either to interact with the author or other visitors, or to perform a search. Users can either input text in search boxes, comment fields, or contact forms. This input, of course, comes from keyboards, i.e. the 'written text' input. But don't you sometimes get the feeling that in this digital era where technology is taking giant leaps, things should be a bit automated? Automated in terms of ease-of-use for the users. Well fortunately, there is another, cooler input method you can employ to provide your blog visitors a better user-experience, and that is speech recognition, all thanks to HTML 5!
Speech recognition is great. And so is HTML 5! It gives your blog a wider range of functionality. Now, instead of typing keywords and phrases in search boxes, all the users need to do is connect their microphones to their computers, and speak the words right into it! Sounds great, huh? Well let's see how you can do that.
Adding speech input to search box
You might all be familiar with Google search boxes. Search boxes have the 'input' HTML attribute, and this is what the following piece of code support. Just copy the code below into the HTML of your website, and you'll see a search box right there!
<form method="get" action="http://www.google.com/search">
<input type="text" name="q" size="40" x-webkit-speech />
<input type="submit" value="Google Search" />
Try out this feature by clicking on the microphone button next to the search box below!