In this holy and blessed month of Ramadan , Google presents a gift to more than a billion Muslims all around the world by launching a YouTu...

In this holy and blessed month of Ramadan, Google presents a gift to more than a billion Muslims all around the world by launching a YouTube channel where you can watch and listen to live Tarawih prayers, and see special programs related to Ramadan Kareem. The prayers and other programs are broadcasted live through YouTube, with good audio and video streaming quality. This is indeed a great gift to those who haven't been there, or want to listen to the Imam-e-Kaba recite the Holy Quran during Tarawih Prayers. The Channel was made live on 20th June. During the time when there are no on-going prayers, the channel shows other streams from Masjid-al-Haram and The Kaaba.
The Tarawih prayers are a part of Ramadan (though not obligatory for everyone). They are offered along with the usual Isha prayers (night-time prayers). They are longer than usual prayers, and it is customary for the prayer leaders to complete the Holy Quran at least once in Tarawih prayers throughout the month of Ramadan. Hence, the people offering Tarawih prayers can benefit simply by listening to The Quran. And what better way to listen to the Quran other than in the beautiful voices of Imam-e-Kaaba and Haram?
To view the live Tarawih prayers, you can catch the channel live here, or click on the video below.
Besides this live prayer stream, Google has also set up a channel for people to see live television programs from over 50 channels during the month of Ramadan. Ramadan isn't just about praying. It is about peace as well, and entertainment while learning something useful. These programs are aimed at educating people and teaching them a lesson through the use of dramas and other such programs.
That is not all! Google has also organized 30 Hangouts for the 30 days of Ramadan. Since specially made Iftaar meals are traditional in Ramadan, these Hangouts will feature the best chefs sharing their recipes. Moreover, it will have doctors giving out advice about balanced diets, especially in Ramadan. Other than that, there will be literary and religious discussions as well, through which you can learn a lot!
If you are interested, you can follow the Google Arabia page on Google+, and find out about schedules, agendas, and other such updates. This is a really great venture, and we thank Google for it. Muslims all around the world can take full its full advantage, and learn a lot of things while being entertained! Hope you like this post, and will check these services out. Also spread the word so that other fellows can learn about it too! And if you have any questions regarding what we discussed in this post and previous posts about Ramadan, then feel free to ask. Peace and blessings people :)