Your blog can really make your life a complicated one if it gets into the bad lists of Google. Throughout my career as a blogger, I have co...
Your blog can really make your life a complicated one if it gets into the bad lists of Google. Throughout my career as a blogger, I have come across many newbies who are often way too worried for their blog ratings. It has also been seen that sometimes a blog with a considerable rankings and readership goes under a sudden change, bringing disaster that keeps on increasing. It is important to understand the significance of a consistent good progress when it comes to an online earning business because, that is where you have no boss to appeal and no actual help to get the things fixed up for you. However, Google seems merciful enough to let the suffering bloggers a chance to help their blogs and offers a reconsideration request form that the bloggers have to fill and submit to the Google Team.
Although the name speaks all, the reconsideration request is what that works on your behalf to interact with Google for solving issues that might have lead in decreasing your rankings-and-earnings. By now, most of the bloggers do know about this facility, or rather opportunity, there are many of them who find it difficult to draft a good reconsideration request. Taking a serious notice of this, Matt Cuts, the head of Webspam, Google has answered what the team actually looks for in a reconsideration request.
1) Mention The Goal of Reconsideration request
Probably due to the language barriers or the misunderstandings about the scenario, bloggers sounds confused while stating the actual problem that they are facing. You need to first analyze the problem that might have created difficult circumstances for your business and once you are done with it, it is time to recover your mistakes.
2) Tell Google what it wants to know
It is important to understand that whatever happens to your blog is due to some reason behind it. Therefore, you need to tell Google about what has been done wrong by you mistakenly or unintentionally. For example, if there is something related to the Paid links, spamming, etc., you need to mention that and also the fact that now you have stopped doing so.
The team wants to know what has been done by you to cure the issue, like if it was related to the pagelinks, you should pull them down as much as possible and state your efforts in the reconsideration form too.
3) Assure Google for Future
Google is professional enough when it comes to the mistakes committed by the publishers. It is to be noted that not all the reconsideration requests are accepted by Google, in fact, only few requests are even taken into the notice. What Google looks in your request is the surety that you would not be repeating the similar blunders or violates the rules and regulations of Google in future.
4) Additional Details giving weightage
It is always better to keep your policies and goals transparent from Google. Adding details like the sites that you link to, using SEO for unethical stuff, etc., would earn you more trust of the team. Moreover, also suggest what you would be doing in order to avoid similar circumstances, say taking trainings, keeping a track of Google blogs, following the regulations, etc. To know more about it, also see this video.
Google can be a tough one when it comes to convincing it for reconsidering your blog and improve your ratings. Therefore, you need to be extra careful while drafting your request. A quality request would itself be considered as a plus point for you.
Best Wishes