Its tough being a final year B.E student and yet running blogs. Exams for some may sound horrible but it means a complete two months deadloc...
Its tough being a final year B.E student and yet running blogs. Exams for some may sound horrible but it means a complete two months deadlock to my online activities. I just can't express how great I am feeling at this moment, talking to you after several weeks. It felt more like missing my great family and friends. Internet and technology waits for no one, during my absence I observed tremendous developments across major platforms from Blogger till social Media. I was shocked today when I saw the new layout of Google+ Profiles. Changes are going fast at Google side. Amazingly they have even integrated their comment Plugin with BlogSpot blogs. But what amazed me more was looking at STC Network's two months traffic Analytics and Ranking Details. Unfortunately Alexa for MBT has dropped from 4K to 6K but the good news is that readership has taken a whole new turn out. We are now a big community Alhamdulillah with a loyal readership of over 58,800 Readers which is indeed a great news for all MBT readers and the team.
We have started getting great public exposure and have been invited by several renown local universities this year for conducting sessions on "Internet Marketing, SEO and Blogging". Buddies all this was only a dream without your kind support and continuous feedback. I am whole heartedly thankful for your consistent motivation through emails, comments, Home visits and telephone calls. Love you always! :)
Increase in Readership
Readership has always remain one of the fundamental ingredient of a successful blogging career. It's the following that helps you to reach your goals and work hard even better. People track blogs using different sources thanks to growing development in Web technology. They are no more limited to RSS subscription or atom feeds.
Following are some ways you can keep track of our delicious tutorials, plugins, updates and creative piece of resources coming this month.
What are the things I will do first?
The blogs were under mild management for over two months and they have gathered enough dust that needs some serious cleanup. Following are things I often do whenever I get back to work after a long time:
- Blog backup: I periodically make a backup of Wordpress and Blogger blogs on daily and weekly basis respectively. Read:→ Backup Wordpress Database and Files
- Checking Email Accounts: I am really lazy at checking emails during exams so this is one of the first things I do. Since I maintain three email accounts so it becomes necessary to keep a close look at all of them.
- HD backup: I backup all files on my Hard Drive into a safe portable Storage Device to ensure I have a safe backup of client resources, blog resources and personal data incase of Hard disk failure. For this I use a 500GB PassPort USB Disk
- Traffic Strategy: I discuss monthly list of trending topics with my co-authors and guide them on how to make proper use of Keywords and optimize their posts well. Great focus is given on basic SEO and SMO
- Fight spam: Both at blogs and Inbox. Spamming blogs have increased so much that we were force to start coding a plugin for this and I will release it this week inshAllah.
- Read my Favorite list! To recharge myself with all the latest developments happening at social media and blogosphere, I visit and read my favorite blogs.
- Schedule Orders: To server readers and clients parallelly I have to maintain a close relationship with both. for the past three months, I unfortunately failed to serve my lovely readers due to Engagement and Exams. Forgive me buddies :)
- Prepare Resources: I love to code, Design and craft for my readers. This month my head is popping with a lot of ideas! :p
- Buy domains: During every vocations I start experimenting with different domains in order to understand the fluctuating behavior of I-Market and search engines. I rarely sell them but keep them secret before they are grownup enough to be shared with you all. So it's a hint buddies that few surprises are on its way again :)
- Pay bills: Normally I pay on annual basis for Web hosting, Themes and some software tools but Ad campaigns require a monthly checkup to ensure I have paid for solo Ads, contextual Ads and Search ads on time. I often do it for clients who are using our lifetime PPC/CPM service Package.
What were the exams all about?
Time wasn't easy for me this time. Engineering is tough and demands both time and effort. The papers I attempted this semester (7th semester) for my Computer and Information System Engineering Program were:
- Artificial Intelligence
- Parallel Processing
- Computer System Modeling
- Operating systems
I am a back bencher and spend most of the time online and attend classes rarely, so for a lazy student like me, preparing for papers during the 11th Hour is surely no less than a nightmare :p
What were you guys up to?
I haven't talked or seen you guys for months so I would really appreciate getting to know your whereabouts. Share all your online experiences, achievements, and even exciting nightmares! I am free for a month now and would reactivate the kitchen Recipes soon. I have some tasty and delicious recipes along with resources this time so make sure you don't miss any! Peace and blessings buddies always :)