This is a quick post to inform all our readers and dedicated contributors that I will be giving an Exclusive Live Interview on behalf of STC...
This is a quick post to inform all our readers and dedicated contributors that I will be giving an Exclusive Live Interview on behalf of STC Network to Radio Planet FM 94 this Saturday from 1:00 PM onwards till 3:30 PM. The show will be hosted by country wide renown RJ and Pakistan Media Awards 2012 Nominee RJ Haroon. The Interview is a two and a half hours consecutive Nationwide Broadcast on the most searched topic "How to Make Money Online From your Living Room?". The interview will be Live on every smartphone, PC, and Radio connected to FM 94 audio stream. You can hear it Live via any mobile device if you live in Pakistan or you can hear it Live using the Official Pakistan Radio website. Both our National and International readers have a great opportunity to discover the methods and strategies that we have been following for years and which has made a small kid like me into a grown up entrepreneur today with a fully established business recognized by Federal Board of Revenue Pakistan.
Update: LUCKY DRAW! 2 Dinner Vouchers of SUBWAY To Live Callers!
STC Network was a dream I started with this blog that you are reading at this moment and just within 3 years this little company (thanks to you all!) has become the source of motivation for over thousands of youngsters, housewives, jobless and retirees to understand the concept of Online earning and making a lucrative Income Online. What made me or some of my friends working with me succeed? For this you must not miss this longest interview of my five years of Online career!
Alhamdulillah I have tried my level best by reaching almost every renown academic institute in Karachi and today to convey my small message to a much bigger crowd I have decided a country wide tour. This Radio interview is my first attempt to encourage every new School boy, jobless or graduate to believe in himself and live a life that is financially independent and a Life that deserves to be respected and honored for decades. I have two events in Karachi and one in Islamabad next month. But this interview is the one where I will speak out my heart to my brothers and sisters across the country who deserves to the know the truth about a much more reliable and Practical future. Throughout our childhood we have been told lies about Struggle and Survival and the focus has always been Job orientated. Middle Class People in Pakistan and India rarely believe on the true power and potential of TCP/IP World Wide Web. It made a lazy and effortless kid like me into a grown up entrepreneur, it can surely transform anyone's life if he applies the true magic strategies that Internet Marketers across the world has applied for years and established a venture which speaks for itself.
The Recorded Clip:
You can now watch and download the entire recorded clip from here:
The Chit Chat
Throughout the interview, we will cover almost anything that comes under the category of Earning through World wide web. The main topics of discussion would be:
- Types of Online businesses
- Advertising Networks - PPC, CPA, CPC, CPM etc.
- SEO and SEM
- Affiliate Marketing - The Working strategies
- Black Hat Techniques - concept of Halal and Haram Earning.
- Underground world of Freelancing Communities - Good/Bad Realties
- Blogging, Blogosphere - The Misuse
- The underestimated Golden Eggs!
- Blunt Lies being told at School, Colleges and Universities!
- Your Priceless Assets, resources and their smart use.
- The Fake Earning Mechanisms Online and the Black Giants
- Some Funny yet practical real life stories! ;)
Don't Forget to Call!
Its not a talk between RJ Haroon or me, but a friendly discussion in open environment with participating minds. You can surely ring Haroon using PTCL or your Mobile Phone at this number:
- FM94 Live Calling Number: 051 9209494
The interview will be in English. So you must not hesitate to share your ideas, ask for a techy idea or discuss your random thoughts. I would especially love to hear form MBT readers and for that I have kept two interesting Prizes! :D
Prizes to Live Callers!
Readers who would call me and introduce themselves as MBT readers would get three amazing gifts as a token of favour:
- A Free $5 Ticket to my coming event in August entitled "BluePrint To PlanB"
- A Guest Post at MBT with a Rich PR5 Backlink and the most desired 65K Limelight!
- 1 Hour Free Business Consultancy with me. Ask anything you want!
The guest post opportunity will be given to the Caller with the most interesting and logical Question. The tickets and Business Consultancy can be distributed to at least 3 Live Callers. So make sure you meet me face to face on coming Mega Event in Karachi! I would love to sit and talk with you buddies! Please do not miss this opportunity, I am not sure if I would ever live long to be that generous in future but this time I want to help as much as I can.
2 Dinner Vouchers To SUBWAY!
Based on the amazing Feedback, FM94 is also giving "2 Dinner Vouchers of SUBWAY" to Live Callers through a Lucky Draw in todays show!
So Make sure you don't miss so many amazing prizes.
Here are the Calling Details
- Call RJ Haroon at 051 9209494
- The Standard US Time is 3am to 5am
Standard Time Islamabad is 1pm to 3:30pm
For our Indian Readers it is 1:30pm to 4:00pm
International Listeners
For international readers who may not have a direct access to the broadcast locally can hear this interesting interview live by following this simple method:
- Visit Radio Pakistan Website
- Move your Cursor to the Audio Streaming tab in the menu and click MP3 or WMA under Planet FM94 as shown in the image below:
3. For best audio quality install VLC Player (Google it)
Recorded Live Stream
I will make sure that the entire Interview is recorded. I will upload and add it here once it is available. But please make sure you tune to this FM channel on time and get life changing benefits out of that interesting Chit Chat (disclosing several smart earning strategies and undisclosed Online realities) that would take place this Saturday at RADIO FM94 English premium channel from 1;00 PM to 3;30 PM. Hosted by RJ Haroon, talking to whom would no less be an honor.
Are you ready?
If you have any questions please post your queries below. I am more excited to receive Live Calls from MBT readers and personally invite them to our upcoming Mega Event. I Love you all buddies, please give me a chance so that I could personally meet you and thank you for keeping me alive all these years. I hope my little efforts may motivate many youngsters to better apply their skills online and to protect their misuse both Online and Offline. You guys are no less than a Gem - its just that no one ever guided you properly! Wishing you a healthy and peaceful life dear buddies. See you at Radio Station! :>
Note: Please share this post with all your loved ones and colleagues. Help us reach your loved ones through your contribution. Inform everyone you know and tell them, they deserve to know the truth!
A Special thanks to RJ Haroon and FM94 for giving us the honor of conveying our message to nationwide audience.