Adding Google Plus widgets on your website helps you drive more visitors over to your Google Plus properties, and ultimately increasing you...

Adding Google Plus widgets on your website helps you drive more visitors over to your Google Plus properties, and ultimately increasing your follower-ship for long-term effects. Google provides various tools and resources for creating and adding Google Plus widgets to your site. The Google Plus Badge is a common widget bloggers use on their sites. Google Plus has just updated their Badges, making them more flexible, feature-rich, and easy to implement. In this post, we'll talk about how to add a Google Plus followers badge to Blogger.
Different types of badges
Owing to the fact that Google Plus Profiles, Pages, and Communities work differently, there is a separate badge for each of these property types.
Badges for Google Plus Profiles are for individual profiles for people. They allow users to easily find you on Google+ and add you to a circle directly from your website. Check out an example below.
Badges for Google Plus Pages are for brand pages on Google Plus, and they include the profile badge features and add some additional functionality. They help Google consolidate +1's from your website and your Google+ page, and make your website eligible for Google+ Direct Connect. See below for an example.
Badges for communities help people find your community and engage with other users on a topic they find interesting.
How to create a new badge?
Badge creation is really simple. Just follow the simple steps given below to create your very own badge.
- Step 1: Visit the Google+ Badge creation page to get started
- Step 2: Enter the URL of the profile, page or community you want to create the badge for (See the image below)
- Note that in the URL field, you can enter either your old profile URL, or the new custom URL that Google Plus now lets you create. For the custom URL, you can either enter a Google Plus URL (, or a simpler Google URL ( But make sure you enter the 'http://' part as well. For example,
- Step 3: For Features, select the 'Badge' option
- Step 4: Choose whether you want a portrait layout or a landscape layout. A portrait layout presents all the elements (image, buttons etc) in a vertical format - from top to bottom. On the other hand, a landscape layout displays those elements in a horizontal fashion. See below for examples.
Example of a portrait layout
Example of a landscape layout
- Step 5; Select a badge size. 300 pixels width is the standard for most sidebars
- Step 6: Get the code. You can see the code generated right below the badge preview.
Now paste this code anywhere you want inside your Blogger blog (or any blog or webpage for that matter). You can see the badge displayed, along with all the buttons working perfectly. If you're facing problems, or if the badge won't show for some reason, just feel free to ask us, and we'd be glad to help. Cheers :)