Embedding images on a webpage is part of the basic alphabet of web development, and can usually be done with just a couple clicks. But what ...

Embedding images on a webpage is part of the basic alphabet of web development, and can usually be done with just a couple clicks. But what about embedding multiple image, say from a search results query? You decide to share images generated from a certain search query, but don't want to save and upload each of them individually, or infringe any copyright laws? Well with the Bing Image widget, doing just that is as easy as adding an image to a webpage.
Bing now has a new feature that allows you to embed images from a Bing Image search query. You can have the results displayed as a collage or a slideshow directly on your webpage(s). Here's how it works;
How to embed image search results to a webpage?
The Bing Image widget is the tool for this job. Follow these steps;
- Visit the Bing Image Widget page. You can also reach this from Bing Webmaster via Widgets >> Image Widget
- You will see an embed code at the fore-front. Forget this for now, scroll down for settings
- Enter the query you would like to add images for. Bing will show you a small preview below the settings. But it would perhaps be better if you do the image search on Bing itself before deciding the query, since then you will be able to see the images in high-res
- You can choose to have a collage or a slideshow. Personally, I like the slideshow better, as it allows for viewing images in more detail
- Select the widget size, number of images to display (up to 25), border and padding. You can set a custom size for the widget as well
- Set the country and language if you need. I would recommend that you keep these settings at automatic
- Finally, you can select the SafeSearch level to strict, moderate, or off (not recommended)
- Once done, copy the code that has been automatically generated
Here's a nice slideshow containing images of the beautiful snow-capped mountains from the Himalaya and Karakorum mountain ranges located in northern Pakistan.
The nice thing about this widget is, it is really smooth! As you can see from the slideshow above, the images load pretty quickly and the slideshow loads almost immediately with the page.
The widget isn't inherently responsive. But you can make it responsive using the same trick we used to make Google Maps responsive.
This widget supports HTTPS websites as well. And the best part? You don't have to worry about copyright infringements since you're not embedding copyrighted images onto your site - you're just serving images from a search engine!
Enjoy :)