The Twitter cards meta tags were the social media meta tags for Twitter which enable any webpage of your blog to become a rich object in s...
The Twitter cards meta tags were the social media meta tags for Twitter which enable any webpage of your blog to become a rich object in social graph. In short when someone tweet your blog post, the tweeted item looks better on Twitter. It works as Facebook Open Graph works for Facebook posts. For example :
If you posted a link of any of your post on Twitter without setting up Twitter cards tags,
it will look like this :

Which is not an impressive piece of content. A social media user cancel this instead of tweeting it, But after adding the Twitter cards meta tags it looks like this :
This is more likely to get clicked and Tweeted by users, so if you want to add, implement or setup Twitter cards social media meta tags to your blogger just follow the given step by step tutorial with images :
Note : If you have already added Facebook open graph tags in your blogger, then you have to add only basic tags because twitter can fetch data from open graph tags except few.
Step 1. Log in to your Blogger account, then go to Dashboard > Template > Edit HTML.
Step 2. Click anywhere inside the Template code, then search for the following code ( CTRL+F ) :
Step 3. Add this code just below it.
Step 4. Configuration of Twitter cards tags :
Step 5. Click on Save Template.
Step 1. Log in to your Blogger account, then go to Dashboard > Template > Edit HTML.
Step 2. Click anywhere inside the Template code, then search for the following code ( CTRL+F ) :
Step 3. Add this code just below it.
Step 4. Configuration of Twitter cards tags :
Step 6. Click Save template.
Now you will see optimized Title, description, image etc on your Twitter tweet linked with your blogger. If you have any issue use Twitter card Validator . Still not resolved comment below. Stay Updated, Browse Howbloggerz ! :)
If you posted a link of any of your post on Twitter without setting up Twitter cards tags,
it will look like this :

Which is not an impressive piece of content. A social media user cancel this instead of tweeting it, But after adding the Twitter cards meta tags it looks like this :
This is more likely to get clicked and Tweeted by users, so if you want to add, implement or setup Twitter cards social media meta tags to your blogger just follow the given step by step tutorial with images :
Note : If you have already added Facebook open graph tags in your blogger, then you have to add only basic tags because twitter can fetch data from open graph tags except few.
Steps : How To Add Open Twitter Cards Tags To Blogger
Option 1 : If you have already added Open Graph tags for Facebook.
Step 1. Log in to your Blogger account, then go to Dashboard > Template > Edit HTML.
Step 2. Click anywhere inside the Template code, then search for the following code ( CTRL+F ) :
Step 3. Add this code just below it.
<meta content='summary_large_image' name='twitter:card'/>
<meta content='@your-name' name='twitter:site'/>
<meta content='@your-name' name='twitter:creator'/>
Step 4. Configuration of Twitter cards tags :
- Replace your-name with your name or with your blog title.
- ( Optional ) Change summary_large_image with the type of twitter card.
Types of Twitter card :
- summary: Default Card, including a title, description, thumbnail, and Twitter account attribution.
- summary_large_image: Similar to a Summary Card, but with a prominently featured image ( Recommended ). For more info click here.
Step 5. Click on Save Template.
Option 2 : If you have not added Open Graph tags for Facebook.
Step 1. Log in to your Blogger account, then go to Dashboard > Template > Edit HTML.
Step 2. Click anywhere inside the Template code, then search for the following code ( CTRL+F ) :
Step 3. Add this code just below it.
<meta content='summary_large_image' name='twitter:card'/>
<meta content='@your-name' name='twitter:site'/>
<b:switch var='data:blog.pageType'>
<b:case value='index'/>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageTitle' name='twitter:title'/>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageName' name='twitter:title'/>
<b:if cond='data:blog.metaDescription != ""'>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.metaDescription' name='twitter:description'/>
<meta content='@your-name' name='twitter:creator'/>
<b:switch var='data:blog.pageType'>
<b:case value='item'/>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.postImageUrl' name='twitter:image'/>
<meta content='img-url-for-home-page' name='twitter:image'/>
Step 4. Configuration of Twitter cards tags :
- Replace your-name with your name or with your blog title.
- ( Optional ) Change summary_large_image with the type of twitter card.
- Replace img-url-for-home-page with url of the image you want to show for homepage.
Types of Twitter card :
- summary: Default Card, including a title, description, thumbnail, and Twitter account attribution.
- summary_large_image: Similar to a Summary Card, but with a prominently featured image ( Recommended ). For more info click here.
Step 6. Click Save template.
Enjoy !
Now you will see optimized Title, description, image etc on your Twitter tweet linked with your blogger. If you have any issue use Twitter card Validator . Still not resolved comment below. Stay Updated, Browse Howbloggerz ! :)